Adult Education

We currently offer two opportunities to learn more:

Adult Forums meet on Sundays as 11:00am from September-May. These forums are also recorded and can be watched on our YouTube page. The most recent is below:

Tuesday Bible Study meets Tuesdays at 9:30am. These are not recorded, but everyone is welcome to join us for conversation and fellowship!

Confirmation and Youth

Because our congregation is smaller, we have the advantage of working with our youth in a schedule that works best for them. Confirmation classes have been held on Sundays at 11:00am after worship, as well as on Wednesday nights.

Youth are encouraged to help lead in worship, and join in service opportunities.

Children’s Education

Sunday school meets from September-May at 11:00am on Sundays for ages three through around fifth or sixth grade.

During the summer, we have a special week of Vacation Bible School.

We also have intergenerational plays during Christmas and on Palm Sunday for the whole family to learn together.